TCAT Committees
The President-Elect shall serve as chair of the Bylaws Committee and will present any recommendations for changes to the full membership at the annual conference.
The Legislative Committee. The committee shall monitor any and all legislation that may affect Teen Courts in Texas or TCAT. They shall report to the Executive Board as soon as practical of any pending legislation that may affect Teen Courts in Texas or TCAT. The sole purpose of this committee is to educate Teen Courts and TCAT of pending legislation and is not allowed to lobby or solicit.
The officers of the Association shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) members to submit nominations for the various offices for which elections are to be held. The chair of the Nominating Committee shall be the past president, who will present the committee’s report at the annual meeting. Nominations will also be accepted from the floor.
The conference chair shall serve as the chair of the education committee. The Education Committee will determine the training agenda and assist in inviting speakers for the annual conference.
The Executive Board shall appoint a Chairperson for the Communications Committee. The Communications Chairperson shall serve as Editor of the newsletter, “The Verdict” and the TCAT website The Executive Board serves as the Editorial Board. The Communications Committee shall publish a newsletter, “The Verdict”, at least twice a year and maintain and update the TCAT website.